# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Correct UV rocks v1.0 Models and Textures MMH 2012-11-17 Nicholiathan As textures became more and more detailed, seams became more
noticable . These seams are a result of the UV mapping of the
texture onto the meshes .

This mod , to the best of my ability , corrects the UV mapping of
all the exterior rocks of Vvanderfell . Nearly 400 mes...
correct UV rocks v1.0 Models and Textures MMH 2009-06-15 Nich As textures became more and more detailed, seams became more noticable . These seams are a result of the UV mapping of the texture onto the meshes .  
This mod , to the best of my ability , corrects the UV mapping of all the exterior rocks of Vvanderfell . Nearly 400 meshe...